Hi there! We meet again with another new gather town design portfolio post. But this one is not an office space, but a space for an event! This one was come from a regular client from LBank China. We’ve done a project before and they are satisfied with the result. So for this Chinese New Year, they decided to make a new space to celebrate it with their clients. It’s a customize space that made match with Chinese New Year vibes, with red and yellow everywhere. On first discussion, I said that it will be good to make it with city themed, so the participant can get a traditional vibes and environment. They like it, and then mention about quadrangle courtyard. I never know about it before, but after searching for some references, I think it will be great to make something like that.
About the functionality, they said that they will need a main stage, spawn area, 2 exhibition areas for placing their posters, 1 meeting area, and 1 games area. At first, it’s quite complex to make the roofing for this map, but soon after I get used to it, it become easier and looks so cool! Overall, not only the client satisfied with the result, but me as well! Really happy to see this map realized. So that’s all, my cool Chinese New Year Gather Town Event Space Design for your references. For more of my Gather Town Portfolio, you can click on Portfolio button on Menu bar.
Main Usage : Medium Event spac
Areas : One big space that divided into 5 rooms. Which is main stage and spawn area, 2 exhibition areas (for English and Chinese), 1 meeting room, and 1 games room.
Space Wide : 70×80 tiles for the main stage and spawn area, around 30×30 tiles for the other smaller rooms.
Map Style : Traditional City – Quadrangle Courtyard with red and yellow colored theme
Space Capacity : It can be use for around 50-100 participants at the same time.