Hi there! We meet again with a new portfolio post. This one is came from one of my client from United States. They want me to make a virtual space for their event but in JSON format, not in Gather or Zep format. They have their own platform so they only need me for designing the space into a pixel art, and export it into a JSON format. The reference actually came from a real building called Plaza San Martin at Lima, Peru. It’s a cool tourist attraction and I hope I could go there next time.
At the beginning, I don’t know exactly how to export the project into a virtual space in JSON format, since I never do that before. Making the design actually not a big issue for me, but preparing the deliveries was somehow more complicated than I thought. It become slightly complicated because I don’t have the access for the platform so I couldn’t do the trial and error. The most complicated thing was placing the collision tiles throughout the map. But at the end, all things going well. I also made some animation for fountain and birds in this project. For more of my Gather Town Event Portfolio, you can click on Portfolio button on Menu bar.
Main Usage : Event Space
Areas : One big outdoor area. Green garden on each sides, and one circular area in the middle with a big horse statue.
Space Wide : 90×90 Tiles for overall space.
Map Style : Top down area, big stature with pavement area and green garden, duplicating Plaza San Martin
Space Capacity : It can be use for around 100-200 participants at the same time.