Bring Virtual Meeting to Interactive Way
No more bored zoom meeting
Remote Work No Longer a Distant
Bring disctance problem to a new level
Online Class in an Innovative Way
Bring engagement to all the students
Display Content Differently
Be different with your competitor

What is Gather.Town? basically is a virtual meeting platform. Different than Zoom, gives a next-level on bring engagement in your virtual meeting. Its customizable and pixelated-interface space. Participant could make a separated meeting in one space with a different room.

Interactive & Customizable

All visual things is customizeable base on your needs and guideline. We could make from the basic things to the extraordinary one.

Its offers you to connect in virtual with more interactive way. More than that, we could add in video, website, poster, and even game embedded to your space to work perfectly.

Learn more about Gather Town

Check Our Blog about Gather

rpg interactions gather town

How Old Babylon Brings RPG Magic to Gather Town

Hi adventurers! In my previous article, I explored the concept of RPG interactions in Gather Town. This time, I’m excited to provide a real example of such interactions with a space I’ve created: Old Babylon. This virtual world brings the RPG magic to life, showing how the principles of RPG

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Padlet: Easy Way to Use Collaborative Canvas in Gather Town

Hi everyone! As someone who’s been using Gather Town for a while, I’ve always appreciated how it makes virtual meetings feel more personal and interactive. But recently, I found a tool that’s taken my virtual collaboration to the next level: Padlet. It’s a simple yet powerful collaborative canvas that lets

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npc google slides

How to Make NPC Interactions Using Google Slides

Hello there! How are you? I hope you are always safe and sound. Previously, I shared how to create an NPC receptionist for your Gather Town space. In case you missed it, you can check it out here. Well, this time, let’s take things a step further and get more

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About us

We are a creative agency based on Indonesia, running globaly. We specialize ourself on building virtual online spaces, building websites, and writing content articles for business, organization, and education.

Looking for an example?
Check our Study Cases!

We have many study cases about space that can be reference to your project.
The study case are around Event, Classroom, Working Space, and Experiental.


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