Case around Event, Classroom, Working Space, and Experiental

Converting Real Architecture into Virtual Gather Town Space
Lately I’ve been contacted by one of Venture Capital in Wyoming, United State. They asked me to make a Gather Town space based on their

Enjoy the Sunset on Beach Coast Office on the Gather Town
Do you ever think of having an office on the coast like on the picture above? Where you can enjoy the sunset everytime you going

Pokemon-style Gather Town Space
Not long ago, I got a client that love Pokemon so much. He want to held an event on Gather Town but he wanted to

3 Important Things You Need to Prepare Before Doing Live Music Event on Gather Town
Yesterday (1/14) my partner and me doing some event experiment using virtual space on Gather Town. My partner is Bingkai Karya, an creative media that

Incredible Gather Town Space Creation Services Experience with Liquid Screen Design Team
Lately I have been contacted by one business from Minneapolis (USA), Liquid Screen Design, to make a Gather Town Space for their virtual office space

Try this Extraordinary Virtual Working Space via Gather Town, It Will be Fun
Hi guys, meet again with me Julio. Right now I will tell you about my newest space on gather town. This space will contain one